Gatling ExecutorGatling is load testing tool which most famous as choice for testing of HTTP servers. In Taurus you have two way for run it: with native gatling script or with usual Taurus features: requests, iterations, etc. In last case scala script will be generated automatically. We support Gatling version 3+. Run Gatling Toolexecution: - executor: gatling scenario: sample scenarios: sample: script: tests/gatling/BasicSimulation.scala simulation: tests.gatling.BasicSimulation The simulation option is canonical class name for main simulation class. It will be passed as-is to gatling with -s option. Load ConfigurationTaurus supports possibility to send values of execution options concurrency, iterations, ramp-up hold-for and throughput to Gatling test script. Below you can see how you can use these parameters on the Gatling side to set up your test: package tests.gatling import io.gatling.core.Predef._ import io.gatling.http.Predef._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ class BasicSimulation extends Simulation { // parse load profile from Taurus val t_iterations = Integer.getInteger("iterations", 100).toInt val t_concurrency = Integer.getInteger("concurrency", 10).toInt val t_rampUp = Integer.getInteger("ramp-up", 1).toInt val t_holdFor = Integer.getInteger("hold-for", 60).toInt val t_throughput = Integer.getInteger("throughput", 100).toInt val httpConf = http.baseUrl("") // 'forever' means each thread will execute scenario until // duration limit is reached val loopScenario = scenario("Loop Scenario").forever() { exec(http("index").get("/")) } // if you want to set an iteration limit (instead of using duration limit), // you can use the following scenario val iterationScenario = scenario("Iteration Scenario").repeat(t_iterations) { exec(http("index").get("/")) } val execution = loopScenario .inject(rampUsers(t_concurrency) during t_rampUp) .protocols(httpConf) setUp(execution). throttle(jumpToRps(t_throughput), holdFor(t_holdFor)). maxDuration(t_rampUp + t_holdFor) } Running Complex Gatling Test SuitesIf your Gatling test suite is really huge or has dependencies on other files - you can bundle it in a jar (with the help of sbt or Maven) and then run this jar with Taurus. Just specify it as a script value in scenario. execution: - executor: gatling scenario: sample scenarios: sample: script: simulations.jar simulation: tests.gatling.BasicSimulation Building Test Script from ConfigIf your scenario don't contains script parameter and contains at least one element of requests Taurus will build scala script for test. This script will be placed in artifact-dir: you can modify it and use with Gatling later. Following features are supported:
timeout, retrieve-resources, retrieve-resources-regex
Some asserts can be added to request. Assert describes templates and area for search (contains and subject accordingly), regexp and inverse marks. You can look for particular response code in http-code part or for string and regular expression in body of request. Next yaml example shows the way these features can be used and ready to conversion to scala automatically: execution: - executor: gatling iterations: 15 concurrency: 3 ramp-up: 2 hold-for: 10 scenario: complex_sample scenarios: complex_sample: data-sources: # this is a list of data-sources options for Gatling. See more info below. - path: buyouts.csv delimiter: ',' loop: true store-cache: true # cache HTTP responses, true by default retrieve-resources: true # false by default, retrieves all embedded resources from HTML pages retrieve-resources-regex: (.*)boo(.*) # regular expression used to match any resource (white list) default-address: headers: HEADER_1: VALUE_1 HEADER_2: VALUE_2 requests: - url: / assert: - subject: body # subject for search (defalut: body) regexp: true # whether expression is regular (default: false) not: true # invert condition (default: false) contains: # expression list for assertion (mandatory) - .+sometext.+ body: 'Some Body Data' # can be string or dictionary follow-redirects: false # true by default headers: HEADER_11: VALUE_11 - url: /reserve.php think-time: 2s assert: - contains: - 200 subject: http-code not: true - /purchase.php?username=${username}&email=${email} # usage of variables from the CSV data source - set-variables: # setting variables in runtime var1: val1 var2: val2 See more info about data-sources here. ExtractorsExtractors are the objects that attached to request to take a piece of the response and use it in following requests. The following types of extractors are supported:
To specify extractors in shorthand form, use following configuration: scenarios: my-req: requests: - url: extract-regexp: # dictionary under it has form <var name>: <regular expression> page_title: <title>(\w+)</title> # must have at least one capture group extract-jsonpath: # dictionary under it has form <var name>: <JSONPath expression> varname: $.jsonpath[0].expression - url:${varname_1}/${page_title} # that's how we use those variables extract-css-jquery: # dictionary under it has form <var name>: <CSS/JQuery selector> extractor1: input[name~=my_input] - url:${varname}/${extractor1}.xml extract-xpath: title: /html/head/title The full form for extractors is: scenarios: my-req: requests: - url: extract-regexp: page_title: regexp: <title>(\w+)</title> # regular expression default: NOT_FOUND # default value to use when regexp not found extract-jsonpath: varname: jsonpath: $.jsonpath[0] # jsonpath expression default: NOT_FOUND # default value to use when jsonpath not found - url:${varname}/${page_title} extract-css-jquery: extractor2: expression: input[name=JMeter] - url:${varname}/${extractor2}.xml extract-xpath: destination: xpath: /order/client/address default: NOT_FOUND - url:${varname}.xml Include Scenario Blocksinclude-scenario block allows you to include scenario into another one. You can use it to split your test plan into a few of independent scenarios that can be reused. In addition, include-scenario can refer another scenario which contains include-scenario to any level of depth Example: scenarios: login: data-sources: - logins.csv requests: - url: method: POST body: user: ${username} password: ${password} logout: requests: - url: method: POST shop-session: requests: - include-scenario: login - - - include-scenario: logout execution: - executor: gatling scenario: shop-session scenarios: shop-session: requests: - include-scenario: login - - - include-scenario: logout included-configs: # it must be a list of string values - ./login.yml Configuration OptionsSimilar to other modules there is possibility of global configuration Gatling Executor by write some lines in gatling section of modules setting. Next options can be set:
documentation) and sending your own variables into Scala program: modules: gatling: properties: 512 # output buffer size, 256 bytes by default your_variable: 1024 # user variable You can then read values of properties in Scala code similar to Load Configuration style: class BasicSimulation extends Simulation { val your_scala_variable = Integer.getInteger("your_variable", 0).toInt } You can also specify properties per-scenario, which will add to module-level properties: scenarios: my-scenario: properties: propname: value your_variable: 256 # ... External Java Libraries UsageThanks to Taurus you can use additional Java classes in your scala code. For that purpose add required jar files or contained dir to additional-classpath list: execution: - executor: gatling concurrency: 10 hold-for: 1h scenario: example scenarios: example: script: my_file.scala additional-classpath: - deps/gson-1.0.1.jar - deps/common-utils-0.15.1.jar modules: gatling: additional-classpath: - most-important-lib.jar # global way to specify required libraries |
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